984. String Without AAA or BBB


Given two integers a and b, return any string s such that:

  • s has length a + b and contains exactly a 'a' letters, and exactly b 'b' letters,
  • The substring 'aaa' does not occur in s, and
  • The substring 'bbb' does not occur in s.


Example 1:

Input: a = 1, b = 2
Output: "abb"
Explanation: "abb", "bab" and "bba" are all correct answers.

Example 2:

Input: a = 4, b = 1
Output: "aabaa"



  • 0 <= a, b <= 100
  • It is guaranteed such an s exists for the given a and b.

 class Solution:
    def strWithout3a3b(self, a: int, b: int) -> str:
        ans = []

        while a or b:
            if len(ans)>=2 and ans[-1] == ans[-2]:
                writeA = ans[-1]=='b'
                writeA = a>b

            if writeA:

        return ''.join(ans)

        #s = []
#         if a==b:
#             while a!=0 and b!=0:
#                 s.append('a')
#                 s.append('b')
#                 a-=1
#                 b-=1

#         largerA = True if a>b else False        

#         while a!=0 and b!=0:
#             if a == b:
#                 if largerA:
#                     s.append('a')
#                     s.append('b')
#                 else:
#                     s.append('b')
#                     s.append('a')
#             else:
#                 if largerA:
#                     s.append('aa')
#                     s.append('b')
#                     a-=1
#                 else:
#                     s.append('bb')
#                     s.append('a')
#                     b-=1
#             a-=1
#             b-=1
#         if a!=0:
#             s.append('a'*a)
#         if b!=0:
#             s.append('b'*b)

#         return ''.join(s)

Random Note

Need continuous some smaller/larger value? Use heap max or min as you need.